Thursday, 4 February 2016

Act 1 scene 1 questions

Thoughts on Othello
- 'epithets of war' = Egotistical
- Not loyal to Iago as he promotes Cassio instead even though Iago is more experienced. Cassio has 'Never set a squadron in the field.
-Shallow = we are told he has married Desdemona for sex and wealth.

Why do we believe Iago?
Because Roderigo believes him so easily.

Why does Brabantio react the way he does?
Because of the racist views held by society concerning interracial marriage. Also because Desdemona has disobeyed him and in a patriarchal society this would have been frowned upon. He also cant understand her motives behind being with Othello because of his race so much so he thinks she's been drugged or been a victim to magic.

Whats wrong with Cassio?
Only problem is that he's too attractive 'damned in a fair wife'
Lack of war experience 'Never set a squadron in the field'.

Why/how is Iago the perfect venetian man?
He's had experience in war unlike Cassio.
He's white in a racist society.

How does Brabantio believe Othello won Desdemona?

Is there anything in his words and actions to make us doubt Iago's honesty?
Topic shifts.

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